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Week 2 Activity Assignment

Week 2 Activity Assignment

Q Weekly Challenge Activity Assignment - 10 POINTS Written Assignment The weekly challenge activities are intended to give you practice on the concepts that are covered during the week. They provide you with a learning-by-doing opportunity to ensure that you develop essential skills needed to understand the course material in subsequent weeks and to complete the Homework Assignment. If you encounter any difficulties with these activities, make sure that you seek guidance from your instructor. To complete these exercises, you will need to use the following data sets; some of which are provided in Microsoft Excel format while others are in IBM SPSS format. Data files: SURVEY.SAV EXAMPLE.SAV TRANSFORM.SAV CARS2014.SAV BP.SAV IRA.SAV Downloading data files: Click the files above to download the data sets Create a directory on your computer known as C:\SPSSDATA Download data files and store them on your computer in the directory C:\SPSSDATA Follow the instructions on “opening data files for examples” on page 19 of the class text and ensure that you are able to open each file Complete the following from the textbook: Elliott, A.C. & Woodward, W. A. (2020). Quick guide to IBM SPSS; Statistical analysis with step-by-step examples. Testing for Normality: 1. Recreate Table 2.2 2. Reproduce Figure 2.3 Transforming, Recoding, and Categorizing Data: 3. Reproduce Figure A.11 Reporting Results: Read section to understand how to interpret each of these plots Describing Categorical Data: 4. Reproduce Figure 2.14 5. Reproduce Table 2.8 6. Reproduce Figure 2.17 Save the syntax file used to produce these figures and tables. Copy the figures and tables to a word document making sure that you are using APA style formatting for the titles of the tables and figures. Deliverables: 1 syntax file 1 Word file. Click on the link to view the grading rubric for this assignment Assignment Rubric Directions for Submission: Submit your all your work through the single Assignments link

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Interpretation: A histogram in the Figure 2.2 does not have the shape of approximates a bell curve, it can be concluding that the information it might not have emerged from a normal population and there is an outlier in the data. A quantile-quantile (Q-Q plot) is a graph that is used to show the degree to which the quantiles of the regard (known) allocation (normal distribution in this case) deviate from the quantiles of the data set. As the Q-Q plot also shown that there is an outlier in the data. An interpretation of the Q-Q plot that, under the normality assumption, demonstrates the distinctions between the observed normal and observed values.